5 Apr, 2024
second quarter
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What's Ahead for Borrowers

Q2 Mortgage Rate Update and Analysis

As the second quarter of 2024 unfolds, borrowers in Ontario, Canada, are eyeing the mortgage market with keen interest. With fluctuating economic conditions, evolving regulations, and global events impacting the financial landscape, understanding the current mortgage rates and their potential trajectory is crucial for both potential homebuyers and current homeowners looking to refinance. In this analysis, we dive into the factors influencing mortgage rates in Q2 2024 and what borrowers can expect in the coming months.

Current Market Trends

Mortgage interest rates have barely stayed below 7% so far in 2024. Reports predict that the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate for the week ending March 28 was 6.79%. The majority of real estate analysts predict that mortgage rates will decline during 2024 while still being high, particularly once the Federal Reserve starts its anticipated rate reduction program. However, it is unclear whether reduced rates would result in a significant change in the affordability of homes.

Factors Influencing Mortgage Rates

Several factors influence mortgage rates in Q2 2024, including:

Economic Indicators

Key economic indicators such as GDP growth, employment figures, and inflation trends will continue to influence mortgage rates in Q2. Improving economic conditions may lead to upward pressure on rates, impacting borrowing costs for homeowners.

Bank of Canada Policy

The Bank of Canada’s monetary policy decisions, particularly regarding the key interest rate, have a direct impact on mortgage rates. Changes in the key rate can lead to corresponding adjustments in variable mortgage rates.

Global Economic Conditions

Global economic conditions, including geopolitical events and international trade agreements, can influence market sentiment and, consequently, mortgage rates.

Housing Market Trends

Local housing market trends, such as housing inventory, demand, and home price appreciation, can also impact mortgage rates. A competitive housing market often leads to higher mortgage rates.

Canada Mortgage Rate Forecast for April 2024

On April 10th, the Bank of Canada will make its next rate announcement. The majority of forecasts suggest that the rate will remain at 5.00%. There’s a slim possibility that this statement may result in the first-ever 0.25% rate decrease. To avoid unduly undermining its progress in lowering inflation, the Bank will probably keep the key rate at its current level in the absence of a significant decline in the CPI. The Bank must exercise caution to avoid tipping the scales too far and resulting in a protracted downturn in the housing market and a decline in employment. 

Is 2024 a Good Time To Refinance?

In 2024, the decision to refinance your mortgage with Cashin Mortgage depends on several factors unique to your financial situation. Consider current interest rates, your credit score, and how long you plan to stay in your home. If rates are lower than your current mortgage rate and you plan to stay in your home for several more years, refinancing could save you money on interest payments. However, refinancing involves closing costs and fees, so it’s important to calculate your potential savings before making a decision. Consulting with a mortgage expert at Cashin Mortgage can help you determine if refinancing is a good option for you.

Predictions for Q2 2024

Looking ahead, several trends are expected to shape mortgage rates in Ontario, Canada, in the second quarter of 2024:

Continued Stability

With the Bank of Canada indicating a cautious approach to monetary policy, mortgage rates are expected to remain relatively stable in Q2 2024.

Gradual Increase in Fixed Rates

While variable rates are likely to remain steady, fixed mortgage rates may experience a slight upward trend in response to improving economic conditions.

Impact of Global Events

Ongoing global events, such as geopolitical tensions and supply chain disruptions, could introduce volatility in the market, potentially impacting mortgage rates.

Housing Market Activity

The level of activity in the housing market, including home sales and new construction, will continue to influence mortgage rates.

Final Thoughts

Borrowers in Ontario, Canada, can expect a relatively stable mortgage rate environment in the second quarter of 2024, with fixed rates potentially experiencing slight increases. Monitoring key economic indicators, global events, and housing market trends will be crucial for borrowers seeking to make informed decisions regarding their mortgages. As always, consulting with a mortgage professional can provide valuable insights tailored to individual circumstances. At Cashin Mortgage, we remain committed to empowering our clients with the knowledge, insights, and personalized solutions needed to achieve their homeownership and financial goals in the evolving landscape of real estate finance. Stay tuned for our ongoing updates and analysis as we continue to monitor developments in the mortgage market and provide valuable insights to guide your borrowing journey. Contact us for more information.

Land Transfer Tax Rebates

Many provinces in Canada offer land transfer tax rebates for first-time homebuyers.  This can help offset some of the costs associated with purchasing a home, such as legal fees and land transfer taxes. Be sure to check the specific requirements and eligibility criteria for your province.

GST/HST New Housing Rebate

If you’re purchasing a new home in Canada, you may be eligible for the GST/HST New Housing Rebate. This rebate allows you to recover some of the goods and services tax (GST) or harmonized sales tax (HST) paid on your new home purchase. The amount of the rebate depends on the purchase price of the home.

Home Ownership Programs by Provinces

Each province in Canada may offer additional homeownership programs and incentives for first-time buyers. For example, the Ontario government offers the Land Transfer Tax Refund for First-Time Homebuyers, which provides up to $4,000 in tax relief. Be sure to research the programs available in your province to take advantage of any additional benefits.

Final Thoughts

Purchasing your first home is a major milestone, and there are many programs available in Canada to help make it more affordable. From government incentives to specialized programs offered by lenders like Cashin Mortgages, there are options available to suit every budget and need. By taking advantage of these programs, you can make your dream of homeownership a reality sooner than you think. Contact us for more information.