18 Jun, 2024
What is NOSI
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Mortgage and Notice of Security Interest (NOSI)

Understanding the Difference

When dealing with property transactions and financing, it’s crucial to understand the various terms and legal documents involved. Two such terms are Mortgage and Notice of Security Interest (NOSI). While both relate to property and security interests, they serve distinct functions. Let’s explore the differences between these two concepts and how you can determine if a NOSI has been filed against your property.

What is a Mortgage?

A mortgage is a type of loan specifically used to purchase real estate. It involves a borrower and a lender, usually a bank or financial institution.

Cashin Mortgages, a prominent mortgage broker in the GTA, offers a range of mortgage solutions tailored to meet individual financial situations and goals. Our expertise ensures that borrowers secure the best possible terms, navigating the complexities of the mortgage market with ease.

Here are the key aspects of a mortgage:

  1. Loan Agreement: A mortgage is a formal loan agreement where the lender provides funds to the borrower to purchase a property.
  2. Secured Loan: The property being purchased serves as collateral for the loan. If the borrower defaults on the loan, the lender has the right to foreclose on the property to recover the loan amount.
  3. Repayment Terms: The borrower agrees to repay the loan amount, along with interest, over a specified period, typically 15 to 30 years.
  4. Interest Rates: Mortgages come with either fixed or adjustable interest rates, impacting the overall cost of the loan.
  5. Legal Documentation: The mortgage agreement includes a promissory note and a deed of trust or mortgage deed, outlining the terms and conditions of the loan.

What is a Notice of Security Interest (NOSI)?

A Notice of Security Interest (NOSI) is a legal document that indicates a lender’s interest in the borrower’s property as security for a loan. Unlike a mortgage, a NOSI does not provide the loan itself but rather serves as a public notice of the lender’s security interest. Here are the key aspects of a NOSI:

  1. Public Notice: A NOSI is filed to publicly declare that a lender has a security interest in the property or asset. This helps establish priority over other potential claims.
  2. Secured Transactions: NOSIs are often used in various secured transactions, including personal property and business assets, not just real estate.
  3. Legal Protection: Filing a NOSI protects the lender’s interest in the property, ensuring they have a claim to the asset if the borrower defaults.
  4. UCC Filings: In the United States, NOSIs are typically filed under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), which governs secured transactions involving personal property.
  5. Non-Possessory: A NOSI does not grant possession of the property to the lender but provides a legal claim or lien against the property.

Key Differences Between a Mortgage and NOSI

  1. Purpose: A mortgage is a loan used to purchase real estate, while a NOSI is a notice indicating a lender’s security interest in an asset.
  2. Scope: Mortgages are specific to real estate transactions, whereas NOSIs can apply to various types of property, including personal and business assets.
  3. Legal Document: A mortgage involves a detailed loan agreement with terms and conditions, while a NOSI is a simpler document filed to declare a security interest.
  4. Possession and Control: A mortgage involves the lender having a lien on the property, with potential foreclosure rights, while a NOSI does not grant possession but ensures a claim against the asset.
  5. Filing and Priority: A NOSI is filed to establish the priority of the lender’s claim over other creditors, while a mortgage includes a promissory note and a deed outlining the repayment terms and the lender’s rights.
  6. Duration: A mortgage typically has a longer duration than a NOSI. Mortgages can span decades, while NOSIs are usually shorter-term agreements.

How Do I Know If a NOSI Has Been Filed Against My Property?

Watch: What is a NOSI and How do I Know if one was placed on May home

Determining if a NOSI has been filed against your property involves a few steps:

  1. Check Public Records: NOSIs are filed with a government agency, typically the county recorder’s office or the Secretary of State’s office. You can check public records online or in person to see if a NOSI has been filed against your property.

  2. Request a Title Search: A title company can perform a title search to identify any liens, including NOSIs, against your property. This is often done during real estate transactions but can be requested at any time.

  3. Contact the Lender: If you have received a loan using your property as collateral, contact the lender to confirm if a NOSI was filed.

  4. Review UCC Filings: For personal property and business assets, review the UCC filings through the Secretary of State’s office in your state. Many states provide online search tools for UCC filings.


Understanding the difference between a mortgage and a Notice of Security Interest (NOSI) is essential for navigating property transactions and secured loans. While a mortgage involves a loan for purchasing real estate with the property as collateral, a NOSI serves as a public notice of a lender’s security interest in an asset. Knowing how to check for a NOSI against your property helps ensure you are aware of any existing claims or liens, protecting your interests in the property. 


For those navigating the mortgage landscape, partnering with experts like Cashin Mortgages can make a significant difference. Their expertise, tailored solutions, and commitment to client success ensure that borrowers secure the best possible terms for their financial goals. Whether you’re buying your first home or seeking to expand your business, understanding these financial instruments and leveraging professional guidance can lead to informed, confident decisions.