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The NOSI Checklist:

Questions to Ask Before Financing Home Equipment

When it comes to financing home equipment, it is crucial to ask the right questions to ensure that you are getting the best deal for your business. The NOSI checklist provides a comprehensive set of questions to help you navigate the process and make informed decisions. In this blog, we will explore the key questions to ask before financing home equipment, highlighting the importance of transparency, flexibility, and understanding the terms of your agreement.

The NOSI Checklist

Here’s the NOSI checklist:

1. Do You Charge Any Up-Front Fees?

The first question to ask is whether the equipment financing company charges any up-front fees. This is a critical consideration, as up-front fees can significantly increase the overall cost of the equipment. A reputable equipment financing company should not charge any up-front fees, as this can be a sign of hidden costs or predatory practices. Be wary of any company that insists on charging up-front fees, as this may indicate that they are more interested in making a quick profit than in providing a fair deal for your business.

2. Can I Purchase from the Vendor of My Choice?

Another essential question is whether you can purchase the equipment from the vendor of your choice. Some equipment financing companies may insist that you purchase from specific vendors, which can limit your options and flexibility. Ensure that your financing partner allows you to choose the vendor that best meets your needs, giving you the freedom to select the equipment that is most suitable for your business.

3. Do You Support Small and Mid-Sized Businesses?

It is vital to work with an equipment financing company that is committed to supporting small and mid-sized businesses. These companies often face unique challenges and may require more flexible financing options. Ensure that your partner is experienced in working with businesses of your size and has a track record of providing successful financing solutions.

4. What is Your Experience?

Experience is a critical factor when it comes to equipment financing. Look for a company with a proven track record of providing successful financing solutions, particularly in your industry. This will give you confidence that they have the expertise to help you navigate any challenges that may arise during the life of your loan.

5. Do You Offer Various Repayment Options?

The repayment options offered by your equipment financing company are crucial in determining the overall cost of the equipment. Ensure that they offer flexible repayment terms that align with your business needs, including options for short-term or long-term financing. This will help you manage your cash flow and minimize the financial burden of the equipment.

6. Can I Choose Between Leasing and Purchasing?

Leasing and purchasing are two common financing options for home equipment. Leasing provides the flexibility to upgrade equipment as new models become available, while purchasing gives you full ownership of the equipment. Ensure that your financing partner offers both options, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your business needs.

7. If I Choose to Lease, Can I Buy the Equipment Later?

If you choose to lease your equipment, it is essential to understand the options for purchasing the equipment later. Some equipment financing companies offer fair market value (FMV) leases, which allow you to purchase the equipment at the end of the lease term. Others may offer dollar buyout leases, which give you the option to own the equipment for a set price. Ensure that your partner offers these options, giving you the flexibility to adjust your financing strategy as needed.

8. What is Your Policy on Bad Credit Equipment Financing?

If you have less-than-perfect credit, it is crucial to work with an equipment financing company that is experienced in bad credit financing. This will help you secure the financing you need despite any credit issues. Ensure that your partner is transparent about their credit requirements and has a track record of providing successful financing solutions for businesses with less-than-perfect credit.

9. What is Your Turnaround Time?

The turnaround time of your equipment financing company is critical in determining how quickly you can access the equipment you need. Ensure that they have a fast and efficient application process, with funds available within a reasonable timeframe. This will help you minimize any disruptions to your business operations and ensure that you can continue to operate at peak efficiency.


Financing home equipment can be a complex and daunting process, but by asking the right questions, you can ensure that you are getting the best deal for your business. The NOSI checklist provides a comprehensive set of questions to help you navigate the process and make informed decisions. By focusing on transparency, flexibility, and understanding the terms of your agreement, you can secure the financing you need to grow and succeed in your business.


Cashin Mortgages can be invaluable resources, offering tailored financing solutions and expert advice. By leveraging such resources, you can navigate the complexities of financing with confidence and ease. Ultimately, thoughtful planning and informed decision-making will ensure that your investment in home equipment enhances your living experience while maintaining your financial well-being.


