14 May, 2024
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Rental Market

Is The Rental Market Slowing Down?

Yes, the Canadian rental market, once a bustling landscape of opportunity, is showing signs of a slowdown. As economic uncertainties loom and housing affordability remains a challenge, renters and landlords alike are navigating uncharted waters.  From the bustling streets of Toronto to the serene neighbourhoods of Vancouver, the dynamics of rental demand are shifting.

What does this mean for renters seeking a place to call home and landlords managing their investments? As we dive into the dynamics of this market, we’ll explore recent trends, potential slowdowns, and the role of mortgage professional Cashin Mortgages in navigating these changes.

The Current Landscape

While most major markets in Canada reported rent increases in September, there are signs of a potential slowdown, particularly in Toronto. According to the latest Rent Report, the Canadian rental market has continued its upward trajectory. Average asking rents across the country have seen a month-over-month increase of 1.5 percent, reaching an average of $2,149. This marks an 11 percent year-over-year growth, representing a nine-month high in the annual rate of rent inflation.

Toronto's Deceleration

Toronto, as the country’s largest rental market, experienced a deceleration in rent growth last month. Some experts suggest that this slowdown could signal broader economic cooling and increase affordability constraints for renters. One-bedroom apartments have seen the most significant annual growth in asking rents, surging by 15.5 percent and now averaging $1,905. Two-bedroom units also saw substantial year-over-year growth, increasing by 13.1 percent to reach an average rent of $2,268.

Factors Contributing to the Slowdown

Economic Conditions

Canada’s economy has been affected by various factors, including global economic slowdowns, trade tensions, and the COVID-19 pandemic. These challenges have impacted job growth and consumer confidence, leading to a decrease in rental demand in certain regions.

Housing Affordability

The high cost of homeownership in cities like Toronto and Vancouver has traditionally driven demand for rental properties. However, with housing prices reaching unprecedented levels, some potential renters are opting to stay in the rental market rather than entering the housing market, leading to increased competition for rental units.

Regulatory Changes 

Changes in rental regulations, such as rent control measures and stricter tenant protection laws, have also impacted the rental market. While these changes aim to provide stability for tenants, they can also deter landlords from investing in rental properties, leading to a decrease in available rental units.

Population Shift

Canada’s population is not evenly distributed, with urban centers experiencing higher population growth than rural areas. This population shift has led to increased demand for rental housing in cities, putting pressure on rental prices and availability.

Regional Variations

Toronto and Vancouver

These cities have traditionally been hotspots for rental activity, but recent data suggests a slowdown in rental growth. Factors such as housing affordability and oversupply of rental units are contributing to this trend.

Calgary and Edmonton

The rental markets in these cities have been affected by the downturn in the oil and gas industry, leading to a decrease in rental demand and rental prices.


Montreal’s rental market has remained relatively stable, with steady demand driven by a growing population and strong job market.

Navigating the Market

As the rental market evolves, mortgage professionals play a crucial role in helping renters and investors make informed decisions. Cashin Mortgages, based in Waterdown, Ontario, is more than just a mortgage company. Their commitment to redefining the home financing experience places client satisfaction at the core of everything they do. Here’s how they contribute:

Unparalleled Value

These cities have traditionally been hotspots for rental activity, but recent data suggests a slowdown in rental growth. Factors such as housing affordability and oversupply of rental units are contributing to this trend. services. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer, an investor, or seeking to refinance, their passionate team guides you every step of the way.

Community Engagement

Beyond securing mortgages, Cashin Mortgages actively engages in meaningful initiatives within the communities they serve. They understand that a thriving community enriches everyone’s lives.

Client-Centric Approach

Their commitment to personal development, industry knowledge, and cutting-edge technology ensures clients receive the best solutions.


The Canadian rental market remains dynamic, with potential slowdowns. As renters and investors navigate these changes, mortgage professionals like Cashin Mortgages provide valuable guidance. Understanding these trends is essential for making informed decisions whether you’re looking to rent or invest. Remember, understanding the rental market and mortgage options is crucial when making informed decisions. If you have more questions, feel free to reach out to Cashin Mortgages at 416-655-CASH (2274).



